The Kelvedon Fairtrade outlet is run by Rose Loy at 150 High Street.
Rose has been a representative for both Traidcraft and Tearcraft (the trading limb of Tearfund) Shared Earth and Bishopston Trading for a number of years. She is retiring and is having a sale of her stock: a range of organic cotton clothes from Bishopston Trading for adults and children, Divine chocolates, fairly traded foods, crafts, toys, jewellery, and much more.
Rose has asked us to display the following message to all her Fairtrade friends:
We are many months (years?) away from packing all the stock up and need to sell it, so if anyone or groups of people wish to pop in or have a shopping trip, please book a definite time.
I am still taking orders and ordering food and anything folk want from the Traidcraft Spring 2017 catalogue or the Traidcraft website at I am reducing the number of food lines but am very happy to take specific orders. This, I hope, will help keep me on the Traidcraft Top Fairtrader list!

Opening Times
To be confirmed

Telephone 01376 570 200

The Fairtrade Foundation guarantees Third World producers a fair and stable price for their products.
Over four million farmers and their families benefit from the added income and security.
Fairtrade provides a premium to be invested in the communities – clean water, health care, education and environment.
By purchasing fairtrade goods you not only get great produce but you are also helping many disadvantaged people.
Kelvedon URC registered as a Fairtrade Church in March 2005.
As part of our commitment to Trade Justice we have undertaken to:
1) Use Fairtrade tea and coffee for all meetings for which Kelvedon United Reformed Church has a responsibility.
2) Move forward on using other Fairtrade products such as biscuits, sugar, fruit.
3) Promote Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight and through other activities whenever possible.
We are pleased to announce that on the third Sunday of every month Rose will hold a Fairtrade stall in the Church Halls.
Fairtrade produce is available at the Co-op, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, and Tesco.

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